Diamonds for Christ


Have you ever felt your life was hopeless because of the mistakes you've made? That you're damaged goods, beyond repair, beyond the reach of God's love?Diamonds for Christ will show you how God can tu...
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Have you ever felt your life was hopeless because of the mistakes you've made? That you're damaged goods, beyond repair, beyond the reach of God's love?Diamonds for Christ will show you how God can turn each disappointment, struggle, fear, obstacle, and pain you've experienced to help you overcome life's challenges to fill you withhope and expectancy. Just like diamonds, which are formed through the process of pressure and heat to produce something beautiful, God will heal and restore every broken area of your life.God healed me from the pain of divorce, abortion, single parenting, loneliness, hopelessness, and living a life to please people; he will do the same for you.He allowed me to see that his love and grace are much greater than my sin and failures.Through Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross, I've been restored and have a newoutlook on life.A life with a sense of purpose, meaning, and hope, knowing that through Christ, all things arepossible.There is also a fulfilling and happy life awaiting you. It's time to stop living confined by yourpast and look to the beauty of your future because God has an awesome plan and purpose foryou!
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