Dilly Dally Callie


Imagine waking up one morning and nothing seems to be going right. You can't get your hair just right, can't find matching shoes, or someone finished your favorite cereal. The list goes on and on. And...
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Imagine waking up one morning and nothing seems to be going right. You can't get your hair just right, can't find matching shoes, or someone finished your favorite cereal. The list goes on and on. And then it seems like for the rest of the day, nothing goes right. We all have experienced it. But most of the time, these mishaps could have been avoided simply by getting up on time and learn to not get so distracted with the unimportant things in our schedule. This is called dillydallying around.In this book you will see how a young little girl named Callie earns her nickname "Dillydally Callie." Callie just can't seem to get a break in anything she does. From not getting the help she needs from a parent to help her with her hair or being late at the table means not getting fresh warm food or any at all. Then the cycle continues at school. It makes for a long frustrating and exhausting day, especially for a small child.Many of us adults sometimes forget in our own busy lives that children have the same frustrations in life and continue to need our help. Children need to be taught the simple concept of time and how it can make a big difference in our day-to-day activities. It took Callie going through a lot of frustration to finally decide that being on time meant getting the help she needed or getting a better seat in class or in the car. She finally realizes that caring more about things meant that life can go much smoother and fun.
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