Divine Providence

Haile Aregai Yohannes


Coincidence or divine providence?Have you ever survived difficult times in which you felt as if God was not concerned about your situation, and then only to retrospectively notice later that God was w...
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Coincidence or divine providence?Have you ever survived difficult times in which you felt as if God was not concerned about your situation, and then only to retrospectively notice later that God was watching over you and working ways out for you? I have so many of them! These experiences were not mere coincidental events but rather divine interventions in my life.This book will take you through my personal journey of life experience of abandonment, abuse, neglect, misfortune, brokenness, and illness and on how God made ways out through a series of astounding and life-changing miracles.The purpose of this book is to prove that God is concerned for your well-being--past, present, and future--and that he will never leave you nor forsake you in your darkest hours (Heb. 13:5). He is always working on your behalf in the heavenly realm to deliver you out of your miseries in this physical world. Psalm 37:25 says, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread" (NIV).As you read through the chapters, you will encounter amazing surprises and miracles that will make you informed, entertained, inspired, and enlightened. Now it is time to flip through the pages!

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