Docgit and Rocgit Meet Butterfly Angel

Alice Grega


"Docgit and Rocgit Meet Butterfly Angel" is the sequel to "Docgit and Rocgit Get Mindful". Docgit is a dragon and Rocgit is a frog who live in Boca Raton. Back from a trip they meet Ms Caterpillar who...
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"Docgit and Rocgit Meet Butterfly Angel" is the sequel to "Docgit and Rocgit Get Mindful". Docgit is a dragon and Rocgit is a frog who live in Boca Raton. Back from a trip they meet Ms Caterpillar who is not too happy as a caterpillar. Through metamorphosis and a series of uproarious yet poignant adventures with friends she finally becomes who she wants to be. Butterfly Angel is someone you'd want to meet on a street. The finale is a repeated original song that sums up the book.

As Alice Grega says about "Docgit and Rocgit Meet Butterfly Angel": Writing MBA, as I like to call it, one Sunday afternoon with the house to myself (now me1only) and usually working on a laptop, MBA was handwritten on a legal pad with me hardly able to get the words down as they came tumbling out so fast. I would like everyone to know how much MBA came straight from the heart. Hopefully.

Alice Grega | 9781634175807 | book-has-featured-image