Something in our world has gone terribly awry, leaving many wondering what on earth is going on. The fact is over recent decades, as the world slept spiritually, a subtle metaphysical shift has taken ...
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Something in our world has gone terribly awry, leaving many wondering what on earth is going on. The fact is over recent decades, as the world slept spiritually, a subtle metaphysical shift has taken ...
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Across the globe, we now witness a pervasive godless culture of idolatry, materialism, human greed, incivility, senseless violence, wars, tribalism, gender inequality, racial disparity, and political correctness. These have all but stifled civil discourse, thereby accelerating the systematic deterioration of traditional cultural and social norms. Toss in a volatile global economy along with corrupt human institutions of church and state and what we have left is a world system of operation teetering on the brink of catastrophic collapse. What we are now experiencing is a prophesied process of social, moral, political, planetary and socio-economic disorder.
With every spinning news cycle, we are given a constant, sobering reminder of Earth's new reality, and an eschatological foretaste of that which now emerges before our very eyes. Perhaps you, too, have sensed this radical sea change in today's uncertain and ever-evolving world. Certainly, you are not alone in this observation. For most people, today's world is but a mere shadow of the place we experienced as children and were hoping to be a part of as adults. Suffice it to say, our world is currently undergoing a major transformation, a rebirth of sorts, as it makes ready for the prophesied inauguration and global occupation of Earth's final despot ruler, the prince of darkness himself, called, the Antichrist. So what does this all mean for today's world? Where does one turn for credible answers and helpful instruction? In a world filled with mendacity, truth is oftentimes lost in a world of spin, making it difficult if not altogether impossible to differentiate between what's real and what's not. Yet, if truth is what you seek, then Dragon Beneath the Purple and Scarlet Mask was written specifically with you in mind. Come now and learn the truth behind the unprecedented and unpredictable times in which we now live. Indeed, you are most blessed. For many prophets and righteous people from ancient times desired to see what your eyes are about to see and did not see it, and to hear what your ears are about to hear and did not hear it.