Duct Tape and Tag-A-Long

Shawn Duncan


Duct Tape and Tag-A-Long are unlikely partners, but one day they find themselves stuck together! Blowing down the street, the pair have no idea what the future holds. Before they can solve their sti...
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Duct Tape and Tag-A-Long are unlikely partners, but one day they find themselves stuck together! Blowing down the street, the pair have no idea what the future holds. Before they can solve their sticky problem, they are grabbed and thrown into a very dark place. The pair soon discover that they are not alone. There are many others in the darkness, many of whom have been there before. They soon meet a magazine, an aluminum can, a bolt, a plastic soda bottle, and a cardboard paper towel roll. These adorable characters explain to the confused pair how recycling can be a great adventure. Rather than being thrown in a land fill, they are being re-made into wonderful things! They each have hopes and dreams of becoming a new, exciting product, and of having many great adventures. As the tale unfolds each unforgettable character will teach readers the importance of recycling from an inventive perspective, and explain the process in practical, fun, easy to understand language. Come enjoy getting to know Duct Tape, Tag-A-Long, Maggie, Stan, Edward, Rex and Rollins and let their adventure become your own! Each of us can contribute to the health and longevity of our planet and Duct Tape, Tag-A-Long and all of their friends make recycling fun.
Shawn Duncan | 9781098026004 | JUV029010 | book-has-featured-image