Every Promise of God Can Be Yours

Carol Goodall


According to one account, over one thousand promises are given in the Bible.There are promises to give rest, overcome anxiety, and conquer every fear.There are promises to comfort, heal, and overcome ...
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According to one account, over one thousand promises are given in the Bible.There are promises to give rest, overcome anxiety, and conquer every fear.There are promises to comfort, heal, and overcome sinful behavior.There are promises of wisdom, strength, and grace.All of these can be summed up in 2 Peter 1:3:His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.All means all!These promises are accessible to all believers.None are excluded!Only one thing is necessary.We must believe what God says; we must have faith that He will keep His Word.Herein lies the problem: Far too often, our faith is weak.This book reveals God's way of taking weak faith and turning it into strong faith.It describes the steps that need to be taken to replace little faith with great faith.As this way is applied to our lives, faith grows.We then discover thatGod shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 4:19
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