For Me Daddy? ¿Para mí, Daddy?

Jose Useche


Being born as a premature baby in Peru, Isabella, now ten years old, recalls with her dad and mom the ordeals they overcame together. In these pages, you can read for yourself how—by acting in ...
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Being born as a premature baby in Peru, Isabella, now ten years old, recalls with her dad and mom the ordeals they overcame together. In these pages, you can read for yourself how—by acting in faith and love and placing their trust in the care of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—this family managed to bring their baby daughter back to New York City, where she now lives.As parents of premature babies can attest, we give our lives and very souls to these infants as soon as they are born and placed in urgent care.We watch and pray, hoping they will survive and grow up to be beautiful children. This book is a tribute to all the babies who come into this world, and from their very first breath, their battle to sustain life is before them.Read in these pages how the author travels to Peru various times and in each visit a new adventure in order to bring his precious daughter Isabella to NYC. Never losing faith that God would bring them through this test and eventually guide them home safe and you can read firsthand through the eyes of Isabella all the details and feelings that only a beautiful daughter can convey, and in thus doing enchant our lives. Como padres de bebes prematuros pueden confirmar nosotros entregamos nuestras vidasy almas a estas criaturas el momento que ellos nacen y van a cuidado urgente.     Nosotros miramos y oramos con la esperanza que van a sobrevivir y crecer a ser niños hermosos.Este libro es un tributo a todos los bebes prematuros que entran a este mundo, y desde su primersuspiro la batalla para sostener la vida esta delante de ellos.En estas páginas puedes leer como el escritor va al Perú varias veces y en cada viaje una aventura para poder traer a su hija querida Isabella a NYC nunca perdiendo su fe y sabiendo que Dios los iba a traer adelante en esta prueba y guiarlos sanos y salvos a casa. Ahora puedes leer a través de los ojos de Isabella todos los detalles que vivieron con los sentimientos que solo una hermosa hija les puede brindar, para encantar nuestras vidas.
Jose Useche | 9781638143468 | REL012030 | book-has-featured-image