Forced to Flee

Afzal Nasiri


Drawing from a deep well of Indian and Afghan knowledge, Nasiri has compiled a capitulating story of his father's escape from Afghanistan at age twelve in 1929 to India while Nadir Shah usurped Kabul ...
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Drawing from a deep well of Indian and Afghan knowledge, Nasiri has compiled a capitulating story of his father's escape from Afghanistan at age twelve in 1929 to India while Nadir Shah usurped Kabul throne from Habibullah Kalakani. Kalakani was illiterate and the only Tajik Amir in the history of Afghanistan. Nasiri's grandfather, Malik Zaman Nasiri of Farza, Kohdaman, was a supporter of Kalakani and was executed by Nadir Shah along with Kalakani after he lost the throne, following a nine-month hiatus.Nasiri writes a gripping story of his father suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, bullets and bombs flying all over. As if a stone was hurled at the sleeping birds' nest, they all had to fly in the dark night, ironically guided by the light of the cracking bullets and shattering of cannon fire.In 1980, walking in his father's footsteps after almost fifty years, Nasiri goes on to narrate the story of his retreat from Afghanistan to save his life and that of his young wife and eighteen-month-old son from the clutches of Marxist regime of Kabul, who overthrew the ruling republic of Mohammad Daoud in a bloody coupe in April 1978. It was an age of tumult, Nasiri writes. Nasiri lands in India with the desire and urgency to migrate to the safe haven of the United States, his lifelong dream and subject of his dissertation when graduating from master's at Aligarh University IndiaNasiri has written his story as an outsider looking in Afghanistan's social and political upheavals. He returned to his fatherland, fulfilling his dad's desire to start a new life in his land in 1971. He was back in India in 1980.
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