Friends of Mother Earth

Lois Marie Arter


Dear Friends,Thank you for the last and most important step in making my first book Friends of Mother Earth a success! I ask our Lord Jesus’s blessing upon you!It is mine and our Lord’s ...
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Dear Friends,Thank you for the last and most important step in making my first book Friends of Mother Earth a success! I ask our Lord Jesus’s blessing upon you!It is mine and our Lord’s will for this book to touch the heart and lives of Mother Earth! We both love all peoples on God’s gift to all mankind, Mother Earth!I believe you will love the book and its teachings of the Word of God! Especially you those needing and/or learning about our Lord Jesus and this world we live in! I trust the children and love the animals/insects in the story. Praying not to offend anyone with using insects as characters!May our Lord God bless and keep each of you, my dear friends and readers!Sincerely Yours,Lois Marie Arter
Lois Marie Arter | 9781098078379 | JUV033280 | book-has-featured-image