Got a bad case of the blahs? This book has just the prescription for you. In telling her life's story, Penny Pryor, the musical doctor, will reveal how she found the Great Healer, her Main Man. A nine...
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Got a bad case of the blahs? This book has just the prescription for you. In telling her life's story, Penny Pryor, the musical doctor, will reveal how she found the Great Healer, her Main Man. A nine...
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Enchanted by her daddy's magnetic personality and million-dollar smile, she sang every note to please him. Each song echoed his comment, "It could be better." He never said, "Well done, my loyal and faithful child." A bond of admiration anchored their lives together, forming an umbilical-like unity. Low self-esteem and codependency blossomed from this unity. Her first stage was the pool table at Mikey Derrico's poolroom in Chicago, where Daddy had introduced her as his little star. Mama, not in the audience of course, was busy working around the corner at the pencil factory. Her concern necessitated steady employment. Daddy worked part-time and part of the time. Her love for singing was nurtured by both parents; Mama worked to pay for her lessons, and Daddy critiqued and drove her to class.
Her career skyrocketed from the Chicago nightclub scene to the entertainment capital of the world--Las Vegas. Shecky Greene, one of the top comedians in Vegas, offered her four weeks at the Tropicana Hotel with his show. She entertained for fifteen years after that date.
Working with the biggest names in the business--Don Rickles, Buddy Hackett, Ray Anthony, Tony Pastor, Bobby Darin--became a way of life. Running with the Rat Pack and hanging out with the party scene became a way of life. Meeting Nat King Cole, Lena Horne, Harry James, Kay Star, Tony Bennett, Bill Cosby, Jimmy Durante didn't fulfill a need she had. Hiding in the spotlight onstage gave her temporary relief from her low self-esteem. Afraid someone would say, "It could be better," she'd stay in the dressing room.
As her faith in Jesus matured, her golden years found her in Scottsdale, Arizona, then Mesa, Arizona, where she lives today. Those years found her entertaining still! This is the incredible story of how Francine Pisano, a slight Italian girl from Chicago, traversed the road to Las Vegas during its heyday, transforming herself into Penny Pryor, showgirl, finding her faith in the Main Man, Jesus Christ, along the way, and eventually becoming Penny Pryor, God's girl.