From the Cradle to the Cage

Darresa Allen


This book takes you over an eight-year period of my life experiences with my two sons' multiple incarcerations. It tells of the many tears shed, from uncertainties to the unveiling of promises that th...
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This book takes you over an eight-year period of my life experiences with my two sons' multiple incarcerations. It tells of the many tears shed, from uncertainties to the unveiling of promises that the Lord had spoken to me. My faith sometimes wavered, my bank account was exhausted, and all I had left was a word from God. That word proved to be true from April 1, 2016, to date. This book will not only recount my experiences but also, I hope, encourage other believing parents with incarcerated children. You are not alone. And just because your child made a bad decision, that does not make you a bad parent. We have to trust God completely with our lives and be willing to give our children back to the same God who gave them to us.
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