From the Penthouse to the Outhouse There is No Justice in Politics

Tim Wigley


From the Penthouse to the Outhouse is a book about hard work and dedication--and how it can come crashing down in a few minutes. After a thirty-eight-year career in high-stakes politics and lobbying, ...
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From the Penthouse to the Outhouse is a book about hard work and dedication--and how it can come crashing down in a few minutes. After a thirty-eight-year career in high-stakes politics and lobbying, a simple political dirty trick literally unraveled a stellar career and reputation.As a young political and business operative, the author finds himself jetting around the country on private jets, traveling to amazing places, giving nearly two thousand speeches across the country, and appearing in major publications and television news programs.In the midst of a brutal political battle in the author's home state of Oklahoma, a well-planned political dirty trick was executed just a few days before a key vote in the Oklahoma legislature. After winning every single battle over a nearly two-year period, suddenly it was over. The other side chose to "go low" and humiliate the author via an orchestrated drunk-driving charge.The case was dropped due to the obvious nature of the arrest--but the damage was done. A job was lost. A thirty-eight-year reputation in ashes.The book is about humility and redemption. It's about friendship and loyalty. It's about no justice in the rough-and-tumble world of politics.As a close friend told the author, "It's not about what you did or didn't do--it's about how you handle it going forward."
Tim Wigley | 9781662484780 | BIO026000