Do we shine the light He's asked us to shine? Are we a city on a hill? A light on a lampstand?--Matthew 5:14-16Western Christianity has lost its way in terms of generosity--forgetting (or never realiz... Read More
Do we shine the light He's asked us to shine? Are we a city on a hill? A light on a lampstand?--Matthew 5:14-16Western Christianity has lost its way in terms of generosity--forgetting (or never realizing) that every second of time, every special talent, and every penny of gain is from God and for God. He has graciously given us this time, talent, and treasure for our daily bread--no more and no less (Proverbs 30:8-9)--but the surplus is for His glory. We have been lulled into this misstewardship by common, earthly sentiment like "You've got to support your family!" while living in a three-thousand-square-foot house on a golf course. No condemnation, just biblical truth: we are mismanaging His provision.HowGiving founder Greg Dean is a voice and advocate for a true selfless life following Jesus. Giving is a diatribe directed to the Western Christian, shouting from the mountaintop, "We must die to self, pick up our cross, and follow Him--including being as generous as He has been generous."
Gregory Dean | 9781638149040 | book-has-featured-image