Glory Days


Glory Days recounts the hijinks of a North Shore Dangerboy growing up in the sixties and seventies. From childhood innocence through teenage rambunctiousness and into a fun-loving adulthood, Terrill s...
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Glory Days recounts the hijinks of a North Shore Dangerboy growing up in the sixties and seventies. From childhood innocence through teenage rambunctiousness and into a fun-loving adulthood, Terrill shares exciting tales that will have you laughing one moment and crying another. An honest portrayal of a journey not dissimilar to your own.Praise for Glory Days:"A real page-turner."""Mom"I liked especially 'Anxiety, Panic, and God.'"""Joel Fischchildhood friend and exceptional windsurfer"The 'Valet Parking' story is fabulous. A belly-laughing absolutely hilarious tale!"""Charlie CardellaMSC, Incorporated"Very well written and a fun read."""John Thompsonchildhood friend and freelance editor"It is great you have taken the time to write these stories. They are a wonderful gift and blessing to your family and friends."""Taylor Davisfriend and retired lawyer now sailing around the globe
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