God’s ABCs of the Bible


The reason for doing God's ABCs of the Bible is because John believes that people today don't read the Bible like they should and know God's Word. Adults and children are playing video games that are ...
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SKU: 9781645692911 Category: Tags: ,

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The reason for doing God's ABCs of the Bible is because John believes that people today don't read the Bible like they should and know God's Word. Adults and children are playing video games that are reprogramming their minds. He thought it would be nice to have an alphabet book to get the kids and adults to read it and get them to go searching for the verses in the Bible and to get them interested in reading the Bible more. This will make them wonder and search for more truths from God in His Word. This alphabet book will give the readers an insight to Jesus Christ, prayer, and some of God's promises that you can find only in God's Holy Word.
9781645692911 | JUV033170 | book-has-featured-image