
Mona Mack Melampy


It is 1951. Countries continue to struggle politically and economically after World War II. Hostilities, unlike any others throughout history, rage between peoples and nations. The Cold War and the Ko...
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It is 1951. Countries continue to struggle politically and economically after World War II. Hostilities, unlike any others throughout history, rage between peoples and nations. The Cold War and the Korean and Indochina conflicts, to name a few, are costing many lives. A brilliant idea is shared by one friend to another. A young congressman from the homeland of Abraham Lincoln borrows a record-setting single-engine light monoplane and christens her the Friendship Flame. Guided by his Christian faith and determined to do his bit for peace, the lone pilot lifts off from Carlinville's grass runway to circumnavigate planet Earth and carries only essential supplies and friendship scrolls, a unique tool he utilizes to express goodwill toward his fellow men.

Ride along on his daring and epic journey traversing oceans, islands, deserts, forests, mountains, and plains. The tranquil Terceira Island, one of the world's deepest coal mines in Borinage, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Dublin Mansion House, the Vatican in Rome, the Victory Monument in Ankara, mosques in Baghdad and Tehran, an orphanage in Calcutta, the Shwedagon Pagoda Temple in Rangoon, Wat Pho in Bangkok, and the Genbaku Dome in Hiroshima are just some of the fascinating stops on the world tour.

Friendships and alliances are forged in faraway places as the solon meets local citizens and gifts his goodwill scrolls to mayors and other government officials.

The reader will be inspired by this delightful, heartwarming account. What can one person do to spread peace on earth?

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