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From a near death experience in 1967 I had many lingering questions. It's now fifty years in the future and I've finally come to peace, with understanding, of my personal life's journey. I always knew in my heart, the joy and amazement I felt in that brief moment of time. My passion now isto share it to all from the perspective, of no doubt. I'm not the author of this book of poems. My Higher Power is. My work was to awake from my sleep with his thoughts flowing through mymind. I always had ten sharpened pencils and a clip board at the ready. He kept me pretty busyfor months before sunrise. The end result was my awakening, and understanding of ApostlePaul's, "Much More Grace". So what caught my eye and kept me up at night? Four little verses.(1) For as in Adam all die, "even so", in Christ shall all be made alive. 1Corththians 15:22 (2), Therefore as by the offense of "one" judgment came unto "all" men to condemnation; "even so", by the righteousness of the "one" free gift came unto "all" men unto justification of life. Romans 5:18(Notice the two "even so's" in these previous verses?) These are reciprocals 100% or scripturesyou've bent. Like an hour glass of sand, all has to filter down, before, you flip again. All that died in Adam, are the same all, made alive in Christ!(3) Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, Grace did "Much More" abound. Romans 5:20(4) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that Grace may abound? Romans 6:1 Do you see, the 180 turn around? See the opposite spin? Now everyone wins! The newspin! Where sin abounds, Grace will always abound "Much More"!Why, "Grace is always Much More" in Poetic Reconciliation.
Orville Davis | 9781641918169 | REL012030 | book-has-featured-image