Growing in Atlanta

Norma Ramer


Stationed state side for two months at Ft. McPherson, Georgia, was the order, but that was changed to fourteen months. We were in Atlanta for fourteen months. I often compare that time to winning the ...
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Stationed state side for two months at Ft. McPherson, Georgia, was the order, but that was changed to fourteen months. We were in Atlanta for fourteen months. I often compare that time to winning the lottery. Funny thing about winning the lottery. It would be nice to know what the winner's life was like before winning. How did they win, and what did that feel like? How did it change their life? That's the way I wrote the book, a little about the before, during (which I wouldn't trade for all the lottery winnings), and how it changed our lives forever
Norma Ramer | 9781642583045 | BIO026000 | book-has-featured-image