Harold Bayley


This work will help any person who has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to become more like him and overcome sin in their life. It will help them live the full abundant life that Jesus came to give us. ...
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This work will help any person who has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to become more like him and overcome sin in their life. It will help them live the full abundant life that Jesus came to give us. For the nonbeliever, the first two lessons will help them come to know Christ. Since getting salvation correct is so important, the first two lessons will help clarify what is involved. The lessons in this book will prompt you to look up scripture and answer questions concerning the Christian doctrine and life. This work is not intended to be an intensive study of any doctrine or of any course meant for counseling. It is straightforward and explains things in a concise, understandable way. The last lesson does not ask you to look up any text of scripture to answer questions. It is an examination of the teaching of a pretribulation rapture that was popularized by John Darby and C. I. Scofield. It focuses on a line of reasoning that the author has never heard or seen from anyone else. No matter what you believe about the timing of the rapture, it will certainly give you food for thought!
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