He Heals the Brokenhearted

Belinda Preston-Mosher


He Heals the Brokenhearted is a story of a young widow who journaled throughout many years of her life. She wrote the first book that led her on a journey to a life that only God transformed. This is ...
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He Heals the Brokenhearted is a story of a young widow who journaled throughout many years of her life. She wrote the first book that led her on a journey to a life that only God transformed. This is her continued story of trusting God and leaning on him to direct her path. The untimely death of her husband left her heart shattered and broken. She had a little six-year-old boy without a father. A part of her died when her husband died. She was completely lost. She turned to anything and everything to numb the pain. Barhopping, drinking, and drugs did not ease the heartache. She wanted to die.Shortly after the birthday of her deceased husband, she met a man that changed her outlook on life. Now we have two very broken people who need God desperately. Through all the heartache, deception, anger, guilt, and shame, God turned their life around in a way only he can.God picked them up when they fell into the life the enemy plotted against them. Their lives were radically changed by turning to the Lord for guidance, learning how to start all over. They will never be the same (Romans 8:28–37).
Belinda Preston-Mosher | 9781639613809 | REL012030 | book-has-featured-image