Here Comes Sim


?Here Comes Sim!? That sign adorned the front of an old, beat-up pickup truck belonging to Sim Fryson, Sr., a black man born in the Deep South of Reform, Alabama, in 1896. ?There Goes Sim!? read the s...
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?Here Comes Sim!? That sign adorned the front of an old, beat-up pickup truck belonging to Sim Fryson, Sr., a black man born in the Deep South of Reform, Alabama, in 1896. ?There Goes Sim!? read the sign on the back of the truck that Sim used to haul manure, dirt, and coal to help support his large family.Sim Fryson Jr., or ?Simmy,? as his mother called him, was often teased as a child about that battered old truck. But he knew that his father, despite the persecution and prejudice he faced every day, was a man of extreme integrity. Sim Sr. treated everyone with respect and dignity and expected the same in return. That positive influence created in young Sim a burning desire to grow up to be a man his father would be proud of.This book is the story of the younger Sim?s life and how he rose from humble beginnings to be a successful college-educated businessman, athlete, musician, family man, and community leader. He was the first black American to own multiple car dealership franchises of Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Nissan and Mazda. As a tribute to his father, ?Here Comes Sim? adorned the front of every car he sold. Among many other honors, he has been listed in Black Enterprise Magazine as one of the top 100 Black Businesses in the country. Co-writing with author Susan Phelps Harvey, Sim tells his story with candor. Sometimes funny, sometimes awkward, but always honest and true, Sim ?tells it like it is,? revealing his teenage escapades, his encounters with famous athletes, and his constant drive to succeed to honor his father?s name. As Sim gained success, he realized that he hadn?t done it all on his own. God had blessed him. He began to study his Bible as intently and carefully as he had done everything else in his life. Along the way, he developed a new and deeper relationship with God, and discovered Bible truths that challenged him to make profound changes in the way he ran his business. His struggles with his conscience and the miraculous way God blessed his decisions to do the right thing are at the heart of this story. Sim Fryson continues to strive to live his life in a way that honors the memory of his earthly father, and, every day, he gives all the glory and praise to his heavenly Father.
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