Holy Whispers

Joy A. Emery-Gulden


Has your heart ever been so heavy you've tried to pray, but no words would come? Do you ever feel like God is so far away that you just can't seem to feel Him? Do you sometimes feel like all you can d...
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Has your heart ever been so heavy you've tried to pray, but no words would come? Do you ever feel like God is so far away that you just can't seem to feel Him? Do you sometimes feel like all you can do is weep and whisper; you cry out, but no answer comes?

Sometimes, we need to just come to God and sit in the stillness. We spend restless energy chasing after things that do not satisfy our deepest longings.

Prayer is not just about us and what we want from God. It is listening to that whispering voice within that can always be confirmed with truth. God still speaks to us today. He can bring joy even from deepest sorrow. Joy can be found in enjoying every moment, and every moment can be a prayer.

This book is a compilation of journals kept over the years: prayers prayed, God's answers, and joy that comes to us even through the pain.

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