How I Grounded the Weight Gain-Loss Roller Coaster How One Foodaholic Finally Found Recovery

The World Famous I.B. Corduroy


The World-Famous I. B. Corduroy has had a weight problem throughout his entire life and has tried almost every diet program there is. He managed to lose the weight, only to find that he would regain i...
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The World-Famous I. B. Corduroy has had a weight problem throughout his entire life and has tried almost every diet program there is. He managed to lose the weight, only to find that he would regain it and then some afterward. He calls this "the weight gain-loss roller coaster."One day, he realized what he had been doing wrong. He lost the weight that he needed to lose and kept it off without dieting and without doing vigorous exercises or going to a gym. As an additional bonus, I. B. was able to lower his cholesterol from abnormally high levels to levels that were within the normal range without any medication.
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