I Found Du Bois W. E. B. Thanks to the N-word

Van Taylor


I am not of the literary community, nor am I a historian. However, I am a person inspired to write, partly due to my love for music. I produced a track that has a Civil War theme feel to it. This part...
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I am not of the literary community, nor am I a historian. However, I am a person inspired to write, partly due to my love for music. I produced a track that has a Civil War theme feel to it. This particular piece of music made me realize how often the N-word is used in urban music. It is so predominantly used that even people of noncolor desperately want to be accepted to use it in their rap lyrics. The N-word, as I know it, ends with a vowel, making it musically sound. Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, etc. N-word.

As for myself and many other people of color, we never adopted the word as a term of endearment. The streets just use it. The N-word is a Latin word that passed the test of time. In this book, I will mention time and the reality of time often—clockwise and counterclockwise. As we move forward in time, we forget the usage of words from the past, many of which we still use today. The N-word is the Latin word niger, meaning Black. And Black is just that, not a nationality, nor does it imply anything about behavioral traits. Test it for yourself: look at a sign that reads “No N's Allowed” and then understand it means “No Blacks Allowed.” I feel that this is very important to know before you abandon the word. Because I want you, my people of color, and the entire world to acknowledge that we as a people once spoke Latin. I hope you enjoy my book.

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