I Still Believe!

Mark Ozog

Is it okay to believe in destiny? Do things happen for a reason or do situations occur because of luck? Some people believe that your life was already set for you before you were born. Others may be c...
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Is it okay to believe in destiny? Do things happen for a reason or do situations occur because of luck? Some people believe that your life was already set for you before you were born. Others may be cynical. Whatever you believe, I Still Believe! (An Inspirational Journey) Memoirs of Mark from Michigan Who Went to Hollywood, Then Conquered the World shows an artist's determination to become an actor, public speaker, and athlete when much was not in his favor. This journey shows over four decades of trying to obtain that dream but then learning life lessons along the way. Undying faith, perseverance, love for family, friends, and humanity can finally be unfolded. The initial dream may not happen the way that it was originally intended, but other accomplishments came as a result. To anyone who has ever had a dream and wanted to achieve it, this story may inspire you to make those dreams reality. The dream can turn out bigger and better than anticipated.
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