Immigration, Deportation, and Salvation


How far would an alien immigrant have to travel to get to America?How much did they have to endure to arrive in America? Whatwould it cost a young immigrant girl? Or even a young boy?Once arriving in ...
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How far would an alien immigrant have to travel to get to America?How much did they have to endure to arrive in America? Whatwould it cost a young immigrant girl? Or even a young boy?Once arriving in America, what would happen to them? Worst of all, howwould America treat them? Don't answer these questions too fast. Give itsome serious thought. God himself knows what it's like to leave his countryand journey to a far country—living wherever he could find a place tosleep, not sure where his next meal is, living as an alien pointing othersto a far better place to live, never seeing home for decades. Mitch givestrue accounts of lives rounded up and treated as terrible criminals, onlyto find a God who gives salvation to all. Salvation is the theme of theBible and the theme of this book: the relentless dream of a better place, aplace of no more pain and suffering. Salvation was in the walls, halls, andpods of an ICE immigration detention center. As senior chaplain, Mitchand his many volunteers saw miracles and witnessed transformation withinthe immigration detention center. If you need a reminder of his love, anassurance of his care, and testimonies of his goodness, then you have inyour hands the right book—testimonies from around the world.
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