Improving Personal & Organizational Learning, Accountability, and Performance

H.F. (Herb) Wimmer


What do you know, what can you do, and how did you learn that? Learning is at the core of how you build your personal and/or organizational capacity. You can do things now because your learned them al...
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What do you know, what can you do, and how did you learn that? Learning is at the core of how you build your personal and/or organizational capacity. You can do things now because your learned them already. What is the next challenge for you that will require yet more learning? How hard will that be? Learning is the path to capacity, performance, and success. Can learning be made easier?We know we are getting older every day, but are we getting wiser every day? Are we getting older faster than we are getting wiser, or wiser faster than we are getting older? What is your rate of learning? Your competition is also on a learning curve. They too are learning. Can your curve be improved by better understanding the basic process of how we learn?Learning anything requires admitting that we don't yet know. If we think we already know, our minds are closed to the next advance. This basic fact underlines the critical need for accountability. We need to admit our lack of understanding, be vulnerable, and open our minds to new unfamiliar ways. I have heard it aptly described as intellectual humility. We need to try new things and then actually test if they work. This requires the sometimes hard realities of accountability. Accountability means reliance on measured facts over hazy memories or, worse, opinions. It means owning up to our own failures. Facts are our friends. The thinking that got us here only got us here. It did not get us to where we want to be, or we would not be looking to this book to grow our understanding.Learning and accountability are the surefire stairways to higher levels of performance. We know individuals can learn, and we know rates of learning can be enhanced. Can organizations learn? Of course, they do all the time. Are they learning fast enough? Can personal and organizational learning be improved?Read all about it here!
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