In the Nick of Time

Rhonda Ward


As we sat on the hood of his car looking out at the waves in the moonlight, we both took a deep breath and relaxed. It had been a very busy, crazy week, and we had just escaped to end the week in a qu...
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As we sat on the hood of his car looking out at the waves in the moonlight, we both took a deep breath and relaxed. It had been a very busy, crazy week, and we had just escaped to end the week in a quiet way. He spoke so softly to me, and as he put his arm around my shoulder, we kissed. In the quiet of that moment, I reflected back on our meeting and the last couple of weeks––seemingly impossible on our meeting to this amazing moment. As I reflected back over the last two weeks, I realized how much our lives had changed. He brought a calm and sure way of working with everyone that it did not seem like work. He could make me smile almost effortlessly. As we parted the evening, I found myself thinking about how much fun life would be with him and how much my parents would like him. I shocked myself with these thoughts. I barely knew him, yet I could imagine my life with him. With a smile on my face, I changed and climbed into bed with a smile on my face.You never know where or when that one person that would have the most impact on your life would enter your life. You must be open, heart and soul, and ready to see him and celebrate the chance you have at a unique and shared life.
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