In the Shadow of Eagles

Don Schofield


Three men stood on the precipice of one of history's most significant events: the trial and crucifixion of Christ. One a bureaucrat, another a bandit, and the third, a priest. Which one would prevail?...
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Three men stood on the precipice of one of history's most significant events: the trial and crucifixion of Christ. One a bureaucrat, another a bandit, and the third, a priest. Which one would prevail? Pontius Pilate wanted nothing more than to succeed by his merit in his role as Roman prefect to the province of Judea. The bandit, Barabbas, a family man, sought only the necessities of a simple life. The priest, Caiaphas, was content as the ecclesiastical head of the Jewish hierarchy. However, history had other designs that led to a cross on Mount Calvary. This novel sets out the course that each man took to arrive at that day in Jerusalem when the world changed, as did each of the three. The destinies of these men still reverberate with us today.
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