In the Words of Our Founders and Other Historians, Philosophers, and Statesmen



The original summary to this volume of work was necessarily changed by the events of July 13, 2024. Seemingly another “lone gunman” maneuvers his way through dozens of highly trained gover...
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The original summary to this volume of work was necessarily changed by the events of July 13, 2024. Seemingly another “lone gunman” maneuvers his way through dozens of highly trained government law enforcement and intelligence professionals, postures himself some 130 yards away from his intended target, former US President Donald Trump, fires at least six shots, and strikes him in the ear—Trump amazingly escaping an ugly death. The “deep state” is now quickly circling the wagons, trying to control the narrative before anyone can connect and make public the proverbial dots.

The recent Congressional hearings again show the intentional malfeasance on the part of our leading officials, displaying their hatred and arrogance for the American people. The circus would be laughable if our situation were not so serious; the sheer level of evil that resides within their hearts and minds is truly remarkable. They will stop at nothing to bring all the nations into that single world government detailed in the Bible. Make no mistake, America, should these people not be expeditiously removed from their positions of power, more destruction will befall us. It is at this time and place where Christian-tenets must prevail. It is in this time where it is for all the marbles.

From our political birth until today, our enemies have been within us. Thomas Jefferson labeled this cabalistic group as, “designing men.” He made clear that education and morality were necessary keys to maintaining our liberty; if education and morality remained close to the hearts and minds of the citizenry, then we would pick good leaders; and, that we must train up each generation to be aware of “what is going on in the world” to check the tyranny being imposed. Just since the 1960’s, Americans have given up their very lives to expose the real dangers to our republic—men influenced and owned by evil, belonging to secret societies and taking secret oaths. Like President John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy, and so many other lesser-known patriots, Donald Trump has called them out. He is now squarely in their literal crosshairs. But their failure to kill him has awakened many citizens and the annals of history will show John Adams quite correct: “the Wars of the Reformation Still go on.”

The developed written record given us by many biographers and historians is a shameful propaganda campaign. But truth is moving itself into the light; “designing men” of academia too are being exposed. Chief Justice John Marshall, heralded by legal scholars across the spectrum, led a rogue judiciary; Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, also praised within the written record, headed a rogue legislature; and President Andrew Jackson, a man that Jefferson thought unfit for public office, proved a despot to the constitution. Indeed, these men worked tirelessly to lay the foundations for a consolidated and tyrannical government, bringing us to the point we have arrived today.

Let the truths displayed within these pages be known to the ends of the earth.

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