IRA – Sharpening your walk with Jesus

Dina Rodrigues


Are you hungry and thirsty for more of Him, less of you? Is knowing and experiencing Abba Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit important to you? Do you desire to grow in your awareness of His love, prese...
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Are you hungry and thirsty for more of Him, less of you? Is knowing and experiencing Abba Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit important to you? Do you desire to grow in your awareness of His love, presence, power and of who you are in Him? Is greater intimacy and freedom of interest to you? Are you willing to be challenged and transformed?Will you allow the resurrection power full access of and into your heart to expose hinderances, keeping you from the abundant life? Jesus set you free or will if you allow Him too. Partner with Him as Savior and Lord. Walk hand and hand. Abundant life costs. Are you willing to pay the price?This book is for everyone. The Holy Spirit will speak to each heart individually. Go into His presence willing to learn. You will be empowered, equipped for now and going forward.
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