“Is the Chip, the 666 Mark of the Beast?”


I saw two different news broadcasts on a CEO getting a microchip in his hand. And then the employees were next. The phrase they used on the local news at 6:00 was, the C.E.O is leading the way. "They ...
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I saw two different news broadcasts on a CEO getting a microchip in his hand. And then the employees were next. The phrase they used on the local news at 6:00 was, the C.E.O is leading the way. "They are starting today at the top of this company starting with the C.E.O, of the company, leading the way" The blind leading the blind. I say, well, I know my Bible, and it says to let them take off your head before receiving the mark 666 in your hand. And don't let any man deceive you by any means. Well, I felt I had to get a warning out, because let's face it, not everyone reads the Bible. And I also know how sly the old devil is. So these are my words: Don't take the chip. Get yourself in a good Bible-preaching church. Get ready, stay ready, things are wrapping up according to prophecies.
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