Jeb Loves Bambi

Diane Marie


Jeb Loves Bambi is a personal experience I encountered on my daily walk in the early summertime. Country living has many benefits with the great outdoors. While your neighbors may live miles away, the...
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Jeb Loves Bambi is a personal experience I encountered on my daily walk in the early summertime. Country living has many benefits with the great outdoors. While your neighbors may live miles away, there are inhabitants in your neighborhood you may or may not even see, but they see you. Some are nocturnal, while others can be clearly seen in daylight. Most all animals operate in the realm of being free, and we call them wild as they will indeed run away from you. They are different from domesticated animals; however, on occasion, there are some who do not have that fear of mankind. And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:24)
Diane Marie | 9798893099799 | JNF049040 | book-has-featured-image