Krystal Key & the Camping Chaos

Cally Dixon


Krystal Key is a superhero who shows up on the scenes of bullying. Her smart watch alerts her when someone is being bullied. Wherever her boots of peace take her, she helps bully victims realize they ...
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Krystal Key is a superhero who shows up on the scenes of bullying. Her smart watch alerts her when someone is being bullied. Wherever her boots of peace take her, she helps bully victims realize they have the crystal key to seek help (even when they feel helpless and that there is no hope). She sends every bully to the crystal bubble shield to have the crystal key of knowledge unleashed to them. In every situation, bullying is eliminated. The evidence that Krystal Key was on the scene is her signature crystal key souvenir for all.Krystal key has the victims face off with their bullies (after the bullies learn the lessons of empathy--how to treat others like they want to be treated). The victims get to serve their bullies notice that they, the bullies, will not, cannot, and shall not win. The victims walk away with the message to themselves: "You win."
Cally Dixon | 9781662446399 | book-has-featured-image