Legend of the KamiLah

J.M. Vrooman


Will the elemental demons and the evil spirit Daeva be released? If that were to happen, chaos would be unleashed upon a fragile world again. Jade Pamal has to continue her journey as the KamiLah. Dis...
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Will the elemental demons and the evil spirit Daeva be released? If that were to happen, chaos would be unleashed upon a fragile world again. Jade Pamal has to continue her journey as the KamiLah. Discovering new friendships along with old ones might be what she needs. When cherished souls are ripped away, can Jade find her courage and face new foes? Fire burns so brightly and is dangerous if you get too close to the flame. In order to rise, first you must burn, or so the saying goes at Kingston School for Ugnis Souls. Jade finds herself in an unfamiliar place with new challenges. Will Jade survive or succumb to social pressure? By looking into her past life, maybe she will discover how to live in the present. As the world changes around her, the KamiLah must find her courage, or fail.
J.M. Vrooman | 9781647011628 | book-has-featured-image