Let's Try Baking tells the story of two adventure cats, Carly and Charly, conquering a new indoor wilderness––the kitchen! The first challenge is to decide what to bake because everything sounds so yummy. And these cats start out hungry, so that makes it even harder to think.As new bakers, they're careful to assemble all the ingredients and tools they need before they begin their work in earnest. They make a plan, select a good recipe, and start stirring and blending, trying not to get fur in the mix. (Yuck!) They've never cracked an egg before, so this will be fun to watch.Follow along as Carly and Charly channel their unique personalities and creativity into baking. After they decide what to bake, they move on to the design phase where their feline flair begins to awaken. There's a rivalry as to who can create the best design. Yet it's hard to judge when everything turns out just fine.As in all their exploits, Carly and Charly face their kitchen adventure confidently and bravely because they know they are very capable and talented cats. And what could possibly go wrong with cats baking? Join Carly and Charly in navigating their first purrfect indoor adventure to find out.