People are living their lives consumed by fear. They fear the next pandemic, the impending financial crash, or the end of their marriage. The Bible warns that we are not to fear because fear steals your joy, your success, and ultimately it can steal your life. You must stop running away from things you don't want and start running toward the things you do want. If you want change to happen in your life, you must change your focus from fear to truth and live intentional.
Vicki Coffman is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has helped thousands live the life they always wanted. Vicki founded Encouragers Counseling & Training Centers Inc. in order to help the hurting masses. If you would like to learn more about the amazing work she is doing go to 
Back Cover Summary
We have become a world torn asunder. We are the most rude, crude, and downright abusive people toward each other. We make decisions to criticize rather than confront and physically assault those who oppose us rather than have a discussion, with intention to find clarity and compromise. We have become a society of whiny crybabies who stomp our feet, clench our fists, and blame others instead of taking responsibility for ourselves.
For many decades, we have been told to not think independently, that we need to trust others to provide for a life they design for us. Often, when the pathway leads to a dead end, we find ourselves alone, helpless, and hopeless. Depression sets in as we realize the parade has left us and took with them not only the loss of community but everything that gave us a passion and purpose. Within the pages of this book is the pathway back to who you were meant to be. If you are ready to live your best life, the life God intended for you to live, then you must learn to live intentional.
You don't need to see every step of the way; you just need to see the next step.