Living in His Garden

George Springer


This devotional starts with page "Day 1" and ends with "Day 365," just an easy way of starting this book. Discover its simple language and expressions of admiration for God and God's creation and the ...
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This devotional starts with page "Day 1" and ends with "Day 365," just an easy way of starting this book. Discover its simple language and expressions of admiration for God and God's creation and the truths of His word. This book of devotions and reflections is for the new believer or seasoned follower as well for the one who is just now seeking Him. I challenge all to read one every day, until all 365 have been read. Are you up to the challenge? While everyone needs to hear the good news of Christ, I reach out to the outdoors sportsmen and sportswomen. For this is my niche, and my writing of each adventure is the gift He has provided me. All through my writings of enjoyment, and as I meet my fellow sportsperson in His wild, experiencing God in His creation, in the moment, brings an awareness and/or a renewed love for the Father. Through an outdoor adventure of fishing, hunting, camping, and backpacking, a deeper understanding of His Word comes to life. As we enjoy our passions in life of the great outdoors, how amazing it is to share with others Christ and His love for them. Just as Christ taught the disciples while walking down a road or in a fishing boat, I get to share who He is with my fellow adventurers, making the connection of the outdoors with the Creator. Taking time to praise, worship, and pray while casting a line or walking a trail or waiting for the morning sun, He is there. Keeping us ready to carry Him into our everyday life.304
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