
Christina DesJardins

Mylena watched the man from the shadows. He was very handsome with his too-long golden hair and bulging muscles. At first, she had thought him hurt as he had almost staggered out from the hall, but th...
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Mylena watched the man from the shadows. He was very handsome with his too-long golden hair and bulging muscles. At first, she had thought him hurt as he had almost staggered out from the hall, but then he had straightened, seeming to shake off some unseen weight. Now he stared into the window, watching as the dancers twirled by. He wore a slight frown as Mylena followed his gaze and saw that he watched the Lady Samantha and her husband very intently. "She is very beautiful," her soft voice whispered from the shadows.
Christina DesJardins | 9781662441387 | FIC009100 | book-has-featured-image