Divorce. It's one of the most challenging times in anyone's life. But have you ever stopped towonder where God is at that time? Well, this is MY story - a story of walking through one ofthe most dicul... Read More
Divorce. It's one of the most challenging times in anyone's life. But have you ever stopped towonder where God is at that time? Well, this is MY story - a story of walking through one ofthe most dicult times of my life and God walking with me. A story of learning what strengthin God looks like. A moment of learning that God is always right there. He's never left andnever will. And how He wants you to come through a divorce, or anything for that matterknowing you are loved and accepted. These are Love Lessons.I wrote Love Lessons as therapy. At the time of my divorce, I felt lost and at times unloved butas I continued to deal with these diffcult emotions, I realized that God was always there. Ineeded this book during my process, and I wrote this book so that others who may havethese same feelings will know they are not alone or unloved.My prayer is that God would breathe life as you read these pages and help you know that youcan go on, that there is strength in holding on to Him, and that there is much more life to livebeyond this experience.