A gripping tale of a beautiful flamenco dancer from Spain with anaristocratic pedigree, and the only child to an overbearing famousbullfighter. She journeys to America on a dance tour in New YorkCity,... Read More
A gripping tale of a beautiful flamenco dancer from Spain with anaristocratic pedigree, and the only child to an overbearing famousbullfighter. She journeys to America on a dance tour in New YorkCity, fulfilling a childhood dream to see America the Beautiful! The CarlotaPena Flamenco Dance Troupe makes their way across America on theirFlamenco Rojo, Blanco, y Azul Tour, closing out the tour in Californiawhere she meets and falls in love with an American. Opposing her father?sadamant wishes, she does not return home to Spain. Instead, she marriesand soon gives birth to a daughter named Magdalena. She will encounteran unforeseen event that will alter the course of her very life.The story picks up twenty-six years later . . .Magdalena is an FBI agent on the hunt for an elusive serial killer. Herspiritual life is ignited through a chance encounter with an old schoolmate.As God ushers her to a twenty-seven-year-old cold case, where the sealis broken from her concealed past, she will learn to master her trust inGod as she comes face-to-face with a pernicious dark evil, discovering herauthority over all the power of her true enemy.