
Gwendolyn Jackson


The title, Mayberry: Tales from Within, was created while sitting for nine months, waiting to go to prison from Clay County Jail. Since the prison was full, ladies were held here in what we called May...
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The title, Mayberry: Tales from Within, was created while sitting for nine months, waiting to go to prison from Clay County Jail. Since the prison was full, ladies were held here in what we called Mayberry Jail, waiting to go to Julia Tutwiler Prison

We called this jail Mayberry because the officers there were nice like the Andy Griffith Show characters. The book was born out of my and other ladies' pain. Clay County Jail had an officer that reminded me of each of those characters in the town of Mayberry. I give credit to each officer for the writing of this book, Mayberry: Tales from Within. Some stories are mostly truth and others, completely fiction. It will be up to the reader to figure out which. However, all stories will touch the reader's heart.

Gwendolyn Jackson | 9781638445494 | book-has-featured-image