Me in Theory

Steven T. Watson

"Who am I?" Just a member of society who's taken notes on what has and hasn't worked for him."Why am I writing a self-help book?"Because if I really can make the world a better place, then I feel it's...
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"Who am I?" Just a member of society who's taken notes on what has and hasn't worked for him."Why am I writing a self-help book?"Because if I really can make the world a better place, then I feel it's my responsibility as a member of society to do so. It's one of my theories. I had never really thought of writing out my theories. They've always just popped up as the situation warrants it. Until my friends started calling them "Stevoisms," it hadn't even dawned on me how many of these theories I actually had. I decided to go with 101, or so, of my theories for this book. Now what should I call this book? The Book of Stevoisms sounded kind of like a book of jokes more than a book of theories that can make the world a better place—hence the title, Me in Theory.
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