Midlife Crisis on Infinite Earths

Samson Brown


There once was another me who lived on another world.We made all the same choices except he married a different girl.She was a monster a literal shape changing demon.Who only wanted the life found in ...
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There once was another me who lived on another world.We made all the same choices except he married a different girl.She was a monster a literal shape changing demon.Who only wanted the life found in his semen.2 kids later her love turned to scheming.One day while he slept she sawed his head off.Since the children were demonic half breeds they gnawed his legs off.His death was necessary you understand.In order to achieve this place of honor on the back cover of the book you now hold in your hand.P.S You know want to take this tour. Come inside enjoy the ride. I'm Samson Brown and I'm your tour guide.
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