My Daughter’s Soul


Okay, Lord, I wrote this book as You guided me. Accomplished this and feeling blessed that You brought me through, showed me how to listen to You, and showed me how to complete it. Now I have to write...
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Okay, Lord, I wrote this book as You guided me. Accomplished this and feeling blessed that You brought me through, showed me how to listen to You, and showed me how to complete it. Now I have to write a back page summary for the back cover of the book. Won't my daughter's picture and Your lovely scripture be enough for the soul that picks up this book to want to read it? Even though this book relays how the conditioning of my soul brought forth the realization of my commission as a result of Your love for me, won't the soul that picks up this book read it to perceive for themselves what impact it will be for them; to engage in whatever revelation You bring to them through the life of my daughter's soul?Psalms 85:10–13:Love and faithfulness meet together;righteousness and peace kiss each other.Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,and righteousness looks down from heaven.The Lord will indeed give what is good,and our land will yield its harvest.Righteousness goes before himand prepares the way for his steps.
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