My Five Guiding Principles

Starr L. Williams


Life is full of ups and downs and unexpected shifts that can be a test of our faith. Through the struggle in these times, we are faced with making life-changing decisions that introduce you to the new...
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Life is full of ups and downs and unexpected shifts that can be a test of our faith. Through the struggle in these times, we are faced with making life-changing decisions that introduce you to the new you. As you hold on to your new self, supernatural help is imperative to gain the strength to continue. This is a must-read if you have ever felt alone, uncertain, or lost. My Five Guiding Principles share experiences in becoming new and coming out of a long-term comfort zone. The reader is encouraged to embrace the principles to take the journey to becoming that new person. Press through the unexpected.
Starr L. Williams | 9781639615957 | OCC019000 | book-has-featured-image