My Life Through a Lens: Lessons Learned Living with HIV

Graig Cote


Over the years, I have been described as an optimistic realist. Ithink that describes me very well. I am neither one to sugarcoat a sit-uation nor think it is worse. I do feel like the bag, at times, ...
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Over the years, I have been described as an optimistic realist. Ithink that describes me very well. I am neither one to sugarcoat a sit-uation nor think it is worse. I do feel like the bag, at times, representsme. As I struggle through decisions in my life, including the decisionto come out and accept my authentic self, whatever the bag rep-resents, I have always seen that simple bag that refused to fall prey tothe muddy waters as my inspiration--my hope of survival. I will notbe drowned in hate, self-pity, or any other negative force that comesto me. I will, like that bag, find a way to stay afloat and prevail.I had no intentions of ever telling anyone that I was HIV pos-itive, let alone becoming a speaker, an advocate, or an activist. Togrow and become a writer seemed unreal, but over the years, manypeople have said that I should write my story and share my experi-ences, and here I am. It has been an amazing journey. I hope to sharemy lessons, and my wish is that you get something out of this book.
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