My Story

Larry Giles

This book is to the world to show the power of God--how God can change one life if he or she chooses to change. You see, God showed me love that I never had. I have so much love in my heart and that l...
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This book is to the world to show the power of God--how God can change one life if he or she chooses to change. You see, God showed me love that I never had. I have so much love in my heart and that love God gave me has caused me to love something I never had. I have so much love in my heart today in this dying world. This world needs to learn how to have the love of God in them, and this will be a better world than what it is. Love is the key to life, but so many people have been hurt in their life, and they do not know how to love because most people never knew love. I was never told as a child about love; no one in my family said to me, "We love you, Larry." I say now that love covers everything; to love others, you must be set free from the things of the past, but that is a process. Not only am I in this process, many other people are in a process too; but God has us in his hands, so never give up on God. I know I have not given up on God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Larry Giles | 9781639034499 | BIO026000 | book-has-featured-image