Night Night Jesus

Jose Alfredo Rodriguez


With the power of praying, Abi flies from her bedroom, all the way to heaven and back home to give Jesus a kiss and a hug and to tell him "Night Night, Jesus."Con el poder de la oracion Abi vuela desd...
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With the power of praying, Abi flies from her bedroom, all the way to heaven and back home to give Jesus a kiss and a hug and to tell him "Night Night, Jesus."Con el poder de la oracion Abi vuela desde su cuarto, hasta el cielo y de regreso a casa. Para darle un beso, un abrazo y decirle Night night, Jesus." Jesus said: Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14) " Jesus dijo: Dejad a los ninos , y no les impidais que vengan a mi, porque de los que son como estos es el reino de los cielos." (Mateo 19:14)

Jose Alfredo Rodriguez | 9781639615278 | JUV010000 | JUV033280 | book-has-featured-image